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General meetings

Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Aker Carbon Capture ASA was held 29 April as a digital meeting with online participation.

All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the meeting notice. Minutes of the meeting are available here.

The articles of association were amended in accordance with the proposal. The number of board members was reduced to three, and the general meeting re-elected Kristian Monsen Røkke as the Chair of the Board of Directors, and Karl Erik Kjelstad as new deputy.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Aker Carbon Capture ASA was held 18 April as a digital meeting with online participation.

All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the meeting notice. Minutes of the meeting are attached and available here.

The articles of association were amended in accordance with the proposal. Four members of the board of directors were re-elected in their current positions.

Annual General Meeting 2022

The 2022 annual general meeting of Aker Carbon Capture ASA was held 19 April 2022 as a digital meeting with online participation. All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the meeting notice. Minutes of the meeting are available here.

The general meeting appointed PriceWaterhouseCoopers AS as the new auditor of the company.

The general meeting elected Kristian Monsen Røkke as the new chairman of the board for a period of two years and Bent Christensen as a new director of the board for a period of two years.

The board of directors now comprise of:

  • Kristian Monsen Røkke (chairman)
  • Bent Christensen
  • Oscar Fredrik Graff
  • Nina Kristine Jensen
  • Liv Monica Bargem Stubholt
  • Linda Litlekalsøy Aase